Black God, Vol 5 артикул 6921d.
Black God, Vol 5 артикул 6921d.

Kuro and the twins discover that the Shishigami are systematically destroying the sacred Tera-producing sites of the world, all under the cover of luxury resorts But poor Keita is having a confusing time of dealing with this larger problem at hand thanks to the fact that he can't get away from how much Shinobu, his mother's doppeliner, resembles ожщкф his beloved, late parent As he juggles the duties of being Kuro's partner and this newfound relationship to Shinobu, Keita is railroaded by an offer from the Shishigami to join their side! What will Kuro say to that? Автор Sung-Woo Park.  Набор дляИздательство: Yen Press, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 0759528446 Язык: Английский.